“Whatever you did for one of the least of these, my little ones, you did it for me.” MATTHEW 25:40

There are plenty of ways that you can get involved in serving your local and global community. Check out some of the initiatives below or talk to your local pastor or conference about getting help with starting a new initiative!


STORM Company is a short-term mission adventure. It is based on five foundations that present a radical example of Christianity in action: no agenda, no walls, no expectation, no fear, and no limits. STORMCo teams are trained for service. They enter a community and ask for a place to stay and a job to do. Their goal is to live out the legacy of service modelled by Jesus Christ.

STORMCo is an acronym that stands for Service To Others Really Matters Company.

Please contact the VicYouth office for contact details of group leaders if you wish to participate in one of the trips. If you are interested in starting one of your own, call (03) 9264 7742 or email vicyouth@adventist.org.au

Visit the official STORMCo Australia site at https://stormco.org.au/


ADRA’s purpose is to serve humanity so all may live as God intended. Be an agent for change! Join thousands of generous individuals volunteering their time and talents to support people and communities in need.
Visit https://www.adra.org.au/ to get in contact and register your interest as a volunteer in your local community.
For information and updates on upcoming ADRA Connections trips, visit https://www.adraconnections.org/ or https://adra-connections.org/

Adventist Volunteers

The mission of the Adventist Volunteer Center is to assist the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the proclamation of the gospel to all peoples through the ministry of Adventist Volunteers, matching talents, gifts, resources and professional expertise with defined needs.
Adventist Volunteers can get you connected with short-term assignments (anywhere from one day to two months) or long-term assignments (two months to two years, or longer). A volunteer might serve in a variety of positions, from Pastoral/Evangelism to English Language Schools, to Construction or Medical.
For more information visit https://volunteers.adventistchurch.com/ or check out
https://www.adventistvolunteers.org/ to see the full list of callings and get connected.

Global Youth Day

🌏 Global Youth Day is all about Adventist youth from across the world getting out into the community and being the hands and feet of Jesus. 👣
GYD is held on the third Sabbath of March each year, But it’s a great idea to start planning early for how you would like to gather your youth each “GYD” and how you can put the theme “Love is a verb” into practice.💓  Global Youth Day activities are led by the local church,  ⛪ so chat to your local youth leader about ways you can get involved.
Think about what the needs are in your community, and how you might be able to serve in this area. 🙏 ➡️ For example, you might like to connect with an ADRA initiative in your area, call or visit someone who is sick or families in your community who have been affected by a tragedy, visit the homeless, visit a nursing home, donate blood, or organise a food drive.
Resources are available at https://www.gcyouthministries.org/events-and-projects/global-youth-day-gyd/
For help or ideas, reach out to your local church pastor or email vicyouth@adventist.org.au