Big Camp 2024 – Youth 18+

The theme for the Youth Tent this year was “Heartbeat.”

Our wonderful speaker, Avondale University Chaplain Priscilla Mariassouce, spent the weekend reminding us that Jesus is our heartbeat. He is the essential rhythm of our life, and we should get back to the heart of our relationship with Him.

Thanks to the brilliant effort of Gilson College Community Church, our praise and worship created an atmosphere full of joy and reverence. With each song, we celebrated a Loving Father and acknowledged a Powerful God.

But music and prayer weren’t the only forms of worship seen at the youth tent. Pastor of Warrnambool Church, Landry Patii, showed us that exercise is a way of honouring our bodies as God’s wonderful creation. To get the heart pumping, he ran a Boot Camp and organised an exciting obstacle course!

For those who preferred to express their praise on a canvas, Mandy Mazarire ran a creativity workshop. Here’s what she had to say:

“Why do we worship? To glorify God, to soften our hearts towards Him because He is worthy of it, to draw closer to Him, and to nurture a deeper connection with our Creator.

Why a creative workshop? Creativity is who God is, and what an amazing privilege we get to witness His work at any given moment. It’s special to express ourselves in the talent He has bestowed on each of us. It’s the ability to commune and bring thoughts to life to glorify and connect with God, just like He did when He created each and every one of us.”

We praise God for the incredible team and attendees we had this year and pray that we can all see you again in 2025!

– Mandy Mazarire and Darcy Holman

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