Big Camp 2024 – High School

Big Camp 2024 was an unforgettable experience for our High School division, filled with inspiration, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Pr Sean Tavai, who currently serves in Cairns, captivated us with his messages on Kingdom Kulture. He reminded us that our very breath is a testament to our inherent purpose and value in God’s eyes. Throughout the weekend, we delved into the rhythm of Jesus, learning to align our lives with His and allowing His gospel to drive us forward. Culminating on Sunday with a powerful reminder that we carry the representation of God’s kingdom with us everywhere we go.

Amidst engaging activities like volleyball, group games, and scavenger hunts, Sunday’s highlight was our thrilling Fun Day, featuring Laser Tag, Human Foosball, and the ever-popular Gaga Pit. But beyond the excitement, the true essence of Big Camp shone through as we forged meaningful connections and deepened friendships.

The weekend’s pinnacle came on Sunday night, as 133 young hearts responded to the call of Jesus, expressing their desire to accept and love Him. Additionally, 91 asked to strengthen their relationship with Jesus through Bible studies, while 46 said they wanted to signify their dedication through baptism.

It was a weekend charged with the Holy Spirit that we pray will leave a lasting transformation on the high schoolers here in Victoria. As we reflect on the impact of Big Camp 2024, we eagerly anticipate the continued transformation and blessings that await us at Big Camp 2025.

– Jayden Croft

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